"Your book has been a life-saver! It’s the best $25 I’ve ever spent for practical instruction and the time whizzes by as I learn to apply my new techniques. Thanks!"
D. Carrier, 2013
"I just wanted to let you know how much I love the new ebook about Post Processing. I have always been pretty proficient in Photoshop but some of your tips and tricks were awesome. It was a rainy weekend here in Western Pennsylvania so I worked on some of my older images using your tips. I was AMAZED at how well they worked . Money well spent. Just thought you would like to know."
J. Heintz, 2013
"Glenn's Post Processing E-book will be the best $25.00 ever spent for editing tips."
L. Silvester via Facebook, 2013
After having purchased your e-book on Adobe Photoshop I have now a different view on processing images. I have learned a lot about using Photoshop and different techniques in processing and where to find different useful tools. I have also followed your advice and made my own folder structure for storing my pictures on my desktop. I have now much more control in where to find them. I´m working hard to learn the workflow and making different actions. I still have much to learn in processing different picture categories by using Photoshop and learning about layers. But it´s really fun when I make a good result. Your book has inspired me. I now looking forward to sitting down in the evenings with my mac and just work whit my raw-files.
Best regards,
Esben Reierse
I really am delighted with your e-book. I can't tell you the number of similar works I've downloaded, as well as the guides and how-to's from bookstores. None have come close to your guide. What I really liked was the effort you put into explaining the very minor details and entry-level steps that most just ignore or assume are self-explanatory.
Thanks again,
Dave Romea
I had wanted to try Photoshop for years, but avoided it, because the program seemed overwhelmingly complex. When Glenn Bartley came out with his e-book on post processing with Photoshop, I took the plunge. He takes you through the steps of post processing and in a very organized and clear manner. His unique use of written text and videos keeps you engaged and helps to reinforce the material you are learning. There is also nothing else of this caliber available that also has it's focus on nature photography and the specific challenges of this style of photography. I whole heartedly recommend this e-book!
All my best,
Asta Tobiassen
I find it is easier to learn software if the learning is driven by a purpose. One could learn all the techniques from Photoshop books, the web, or classes, but Glenn Bartley’s book makes it so much easier because the techniques he describes are directly applicable to what I want to do, and the examples he gives uses images similar to mine that I’m trying to improve. A wonderful resource.
Peter Ohara
Your E-book is one of the best teaching publications that I have used. The subject matter is explained clearly, concise and understandable. The tutorial clips are especially good and useful and have helped me tremendously in improving my pp skills and understanding. Thank you!
Arno Ellmer
I learned a lot from you, the eBook was very helpful and now i processing my images better than before. I wish to learn from you privately how to use the flashes efficiently by the same way of the eBook. Any new technique you now I’m ready learn.
Best wishes
Khaled Alghanem
Photographers will spend thousands of dollars to buy a camera or lens that they think will give them even slight improve their images, but effectively processing those photos is every bit if not more important as what is captured in your RAW file. Glenn’s eBook may be the best money you could spend to optimize your final images, even allowing you to go back to older photos to unlock their full potential – something that new lens won’t help with. An absolute “must have” treasure-trove of knowledge for the beginning wildlife photographer, but containing lots of valuable information for the veteran Photoshop user.
Best regards,
Tara Tanaka
Thanks for a great job done on the Post processing e-book, it really helped me out to get organize with my pictures very clear explanation on how to do it. The post-processing and the links for the videos to better understanding are awesome. Definitely my pictures went to a higher level.
Jairo Nunez
As a hobbyist bird photographer, the "Post Processing E book by Glenn Bartley" was just the book I was looking for to take my bird photos to a new level. The confidence I've gained in using my photo editing
software is invaluable. Coupled with online video's and practice photos, the editing techniques allowed me to turn my "Good" photos into "Great" photos.
Jody de Bruyn
Glenn has always been an inspiration to me and when I saw that he had released this e-book on post processing I just had to have it. I consider myself to have a good bit of knowledge of Photoshop and a good workflow already established. After reading thru and watching Glenn's tutorials I certainly learned a few new tricks and tips that have helped improve my workflow. For anyone just starting out or is even looking to step up their processing skills this e-book is a must have. I have recommended it to many of my photography friends.
Brad James
When a professional at the top of his game shares his trade secrets in a book, then purchasing his book on how he does it is a no-brainier! I certainly have learnt a great deal and benefitted from it.
KC Choo
I initially went through Glenn Bartley’s Post Processing E book chapter by chapter to get a good feel for the overall content and now find myself continually referring to specific topics to assist in my own processing. It is thorough and very well laid out with the combination of written instruction and video tutorials which are quite easy to follow. Taking advantage of the experiences of such an expert in the field of bird photography has certainly encouraged me to continually improve my own work.
Bruce Tuck
I recently had the opportunity of photographing in Costa Rica. I came home to Portugal with a lot of "birds" and your book teach me a lot about how to edit my photos. Thank you for an excellent book that take my photos to high level.
Mauricio Soares
This is the best e-book on this subject I have ever read. Easy to ready, simple and effective. I can't believe the difference this post processing has made to my images. Thanks Glenn for producing this e-book.
Gary Knight
I am new to Photoshop (got in on the new cloud membership) and Lightroom, so I am still learning how to use those effectively, but most of the tools, at least in Lightroom are similar to what I was doing with Aperture. My biggest concern right now is finding an efficient way to store and organize all my photos. I appreciated the information you provided in your e-book, and I already sent you an email with some suggestions - don't know if you recall it. I suggested an appendix with information about each of the photos you included in the e-book. Of course post-processing information would be great, but also the name of the bird and some of the exif data would be nice for us serious amateur photographers.
Not only has this book greatly improved my post processing technique, but it has reinforced my strong desire to always visit my wife's native Ecuador to photograph wildlife and nature. Thanks, Glenn, for a great book which will remain on my iPad always.
Petter Stene, Oslo, Norway
A real gem of a tutorial, particularly for those who are not technically minded. Everything is demonstrated in a simple and straightforward manner. Without The help of Glenn Bartley, I would never have got to grips with "layers" which has made such a difference to my edited photographs. So simple when he shows you how. Purchase with confidence. Worth every penny.
Susan from the UK.
I have purchased a number of books and e-books trying to improve my post-processing skills and to develop a comfortable workflow. Your book and its associated videos have helped tremendously. I like the flow of the book and have found that your default values quite often have a positive effect on my pictures.
Wayne Dorchak
I recently purchased your book in hopes of learning some new tips in processing my raw images. Your book provided this and more. I also learned how to improve my work stream and to better manage my image files. I found your book very informative and written in a manner that is understandable for both the beginner and more advanced photo post processors!
Thank you,
Mike Martin
Although I was already familiar with some of the techniques you explain in the book, I found wonderful new ideas. What I like most is how you quickly get to the point and lead the user in a few essential steps to great results. One does not get bogged down in too much detail or too many alternatives. The book was money well spent. Needless to say I adore the marvellous wildlife shots shown as examples. Congratulations!
Juerg Alean
Hi greetings from Campeche, México. I’m starting the review of you book, already check out the three videos from your YouTube channel, and I’m amazed with your videos and book. Truly think that it will improve my work as amateur nature photographer. Will let you know more in detail once I put in practice the knowledge of your book. But simply is the best that I have found for nature photography with emphasis in bird photo processing.
Best regards,
It is a great E book. I have gone through it several times and am still viewing the videos to learn how to take better advantage of the features in Photoshop.
Thanks again for the useful information,
Jim Arterburn
Thanks for giving us your fantastic "Glenn Bartley Post Processing E-book" Glenn, it’s been a great tool for my work. The included "Actions for Photoshop" and the Videos have speeded up my workflow tremendously. Keep them coming Glenn.
Tony Narciso
Buying your book was the best thing I've done in my short career as a nature photographer in Costa Rica. I learned to be self-critical and after reading your e-book I improved my pictures 100%!
Alvaro Cubero
Over the last few years I have purchased several books on Amazon related to PhotoShop. All of them four and five star books. None compares with Glenn's book. His book is the easiest to understand and the information is practical and relevant. Within a couple days, I saw a dramatic improvement in the quality of my processed pictures. I love this book.
Elston Hill