Below are some images I took during a one month photo trip to Brazil in November, 2013. It was a great trip and we had some amazing opportunities to photograph the amazing birds of the Atlantic Rainforest. To join the wish list for future workshops - send me an email |
Please check out my instructional e-books on post processing and flash below.
Red-necked Tanager
Spot-billed Toucanet
Stygian Owl
Violoaceous Euphonia
Yellow-fronted Woodpecker
Black Jacobin
Black-cheeked Gnateater
Blue Manakin
Festive Coquette
Frilled Coquette
Buff-necked Ibis
Burnished-buff Tanager
Chestnut-backed Tanager
Chestnut-bellied Euphonia
Chestnut-capped Blackbird
Cock-tailed Tyrant
Festive Coquette
Frilled Coquette
Frilled Coquette
Giant Antshrike
Golden-chevroned Tanager
Gray-throated Warbing Finch
Green-headed Tanager
Hyacinth Visorbearer
Maroon-bellied Parakeet
Olive-green Tanager
Plain Parakeet
Red-breasted Toucan
Red-breasted Toucan
Red-legged Seriema
Rufous-capped Antthrush
Rusty-barred Owl
Saffron Toucanet
Saphire-spangled Emerald
Sharp-tailed Tyrant
Slaty-breasted Wood Rail
Streaked Xenops
Streamer-tailed Tyrant
Stripe-breasted Starthroat
Striped Owl
Swallow-tailed Hummingbird
Tawny-browed Owl
Toco Toucan
White-barred Piculet
White-bearded Manakin
White-spotted Woodpecker
White-throated Hummingbird
Yellow-billed Blue-Finch (Blue Finch)
Brassy-breasted Tanager
Brazilian Merganser
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Find out how you can join me on a future Photo Workshop - HERE
Check out my Brazil video blog - HERE