2010 started out with a week of photographing winter owls in Ontario...
A few weeks later in January I found myself in beautiful Trinidad and Tobago...
Next up - it was time to lead my two Vancouver Island Workshops.
We had great weather and cooperative birds...it was awesome!
Once my workshops were complete I started working on my "hit list" for the spring on Vancouver Island.
I had a long list...but I managed to get most of my targets...
By mid-May it was time to set out on an epic road trip across Canada. I drove 10,000km in 7 weeks. It was incredible!
This trip exemplified what I live for. Spending nearly two months camping out in the great outdoors with nothing to think about except photographing birds.
For me it just doesnt get any better...
After taking the summer off to process the mountain of images I had captured on my road trip I had a few fun fall/winter shoots.
I had an opportunity to photograph a beautiful Saw-whet Owl, a dream encounter with an Ancient Murrelet and an excellent week at Bosque del Apache.
Add on a few photo shoots here on the Island and I can safely say that 2010 has been a great year. One I am very proud of :)
2010 has truly been a wonderful year!
With trips planned to Ecuador, Costa Rica, Churchill, Nefoundland, Peru and Brazil 2011 is looking mighty fine as well.
Stay tuned by signing up for my newsletter - HERE