Another year has come and gone. It has been another busy one too! Once again I had a pretty busy workshop schedule this year and found that I did not do much domestic shooting. I did sneak out for a bit of shooting down in Washington State and a on a few local hiking trips. This year I took 6 trips to Ecuador, Costa Rica, Washington, Peru, Costa Rica again and Cuba and managed to come home with a few keepers in the process. In 2014 I also continued to add to my library of instructional Ebooks with my new title - Flash: A Guide for Nature Photographers.
I hope you enjoy this gallery of the best of 2014! Happy new year! |
The year began in Ecuador where I led 2 sold out workshops. I really didnt shoot much this year but did pick off a few new birds for me.
Common Piping Guan
Gray-breasted Wood Wren
Great Potoo
Lettered Aracari
Many-banded Aracari
Pied Plover
Strong-billed Woodcreeper
Summer Tanager
Yellow-billed Nunbird
After spending some time at home and leading my Vancouver Island trips in March it was off to Costa Rica. I would return to Costa RIca again in October for a second workshop. Both trips were very productive!
Long-billed Hermit
Long-tailed Silky Flycatcher
Eyelash Viper
Tree Frog
Montezuma's Oropendola
Passerini's Tanager
Passerini's Tanager
Red-legged Honeycreeper
Red-legged Honeycreeper
Red-legged Honeycreeper
Resplendent Quetzal
Scarlet Macaw
Scarlet Macaw
Scarlet Macaw
Scarlet-thighed Dacnis
Shining Honeycreeper
Shining Honeycreeper
Shining Honeycreeper
Shining Honeycreeper
Spectacled Owl
Spider Monkey
Spotted Antbird
Spotted Wood Quail
Violaceous Trogon (Gartered)
Black-chinned Woodpecker
Brown-hooded Parrot
Chestnut-colored Woodpecker
Chestnut-capped Brush Finch
Collared Aracari
Collared Aracari
Collared Aracari
Common Bush Tanager
Emerald Toucanet
Emerald Toucanet
Golden-hooded Tanager
Golden-hooded Tanager
Great Currasow
Great Currasow
Great Kiskadee
Green Honeycreeper
Keel-billed Toucan
Keel-billed Toucan
Keel-billed Toucan
King Vulture
King Vulture
King Vulture
King Vulture
In May I went on a little road / camping trip with my buddy and fellow bird photographer Jess Findlay. We only spent a few days in the field but managed to naila few target species.
White-headed Woodpecker
Black-necked Stilt
Black-necked Stilt
Black-necked Stilt
Western Meadowlark
Black-necked Stilt
Black-necked Stilt
American Avocet
Gray Flycatcher
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Sage Thrasher
Sage Thrasher
Sage Thrasher
Sage Sparrow
Next up was a quick trip back to Ontario to visit my family. I snuck out once or twice for a few targets like the Yellow-throated Vireo.
Yellow-throated Vireo
Black-throated Green Warbler
Black and White Warbler
This years Churchill workshop was crazy. Perfect weather. A great group. And VERY cooperative birds. It doesnt get any better. Plus I finally nailed my nemesis the Smith's Longspur!!!
Smith's Longspur
Smith's Longspur
Smith's Longspur
Smith's Longspur
Parasitic Jaeger
Parasitic Jaeger
White-winged Scoter
Parasitic Jaeger
Spruce Grouse
Beluga Whale
Black Scoter
American Bittern
Horned Grebe
Horned Grebe
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Ruddy Turnstone
Ring-billed Gull
Hudsonian Godwit
Long-tailed Duck
Pacific Loon
Common Eider
Bonaparte's Gull
Common Eider
Hudsonian Godwit
In July Jess Findlay and I teamed up again to go camping and find a good location for Ptarmigan and Grouse. Both species worked out!
White-tailed Ptarmigan
White-tailed Ptarmigan
White-tailed Ptarmigan
White-tailed Ptarmigan
White-tailed Ptarmigan
White-tailed Ptarmigan
Sooty Grouse
Sooty Grouse
After a nice summer break it was time to head down to Peru and lead another trip. I didnt shoot a lot but we definitely had a very productive 2 weeks of bird photography!
Black-banded Woodcreeper
Black-banded Woodcreeper
Black-fronted Nunbird
Chestnut-fronted Macaw
Golden Tanager
Green Kingfisher
Green Kingfisher
Orange-bellied Euphonia
Paradise Tanager
Razor-billed Currasow
Silver-beaked Tanager
Sparkling Violetear
Tufted Tit Tyrant
Wooly Monkey
Andean Cock of the Rock
Bearded Mountaineer
Amazon Sky
My main personal shoot for this year was to teh Island of Cuba for 3 weeks. What a great place!
Cuban Trogon
Blue-headed Quail Dove
Red-legged Thrush
Western Spindalis
Cuban Tody
American Flamingo
Cuban Green Woodpecker
Cuban Pygmy Owl
Cuban Vireo
Cuban Trogon
Cuban Trogon
Great Lizard Cuckoo
Loggerhead Kingbird
Thick-billed Vireo
West Indian Woodpecker
West Indian Woodpecker
Western Spindalis
Western Spindalis
White-collared Swift
Yellow-headed Warbler
Zapata Sparrow
Zapata Wren
Zenaida Dove
American Flamingo
American Kestrel
Bahama Mockingbird
Bare-legged Owl
Bee Hummingbird
Bee Hummingbird
Crescent-eyed Pewee
Cuban Black Hawk
Cuban Tody
Cuban Bullfinch
Cuban Crow
Cuban Emerald
Cuban Gnatcatcher
Cuban Gnatcatcher
Cuban Grassquit
Cuban Green Woodpecker
Cuban Palm Crow
Cuban Parakeet
Cuban Parrot
Cuban Tody
Fernandinas Flicker
Fernandinas Flicker
Giant Kingbird
Northern Mockingbird
Olive-capped Warbler
2014 has been another great year of bird photography! In 2015 I will be going to the most remote place I will have ever been - South Georgia! I'm also hoping to get to Alaska or do a domestic road trip. Check back often for the latest news and images. You can stay tuned to all the latest news by signing up for my newsletter - HERE |